Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why 100 Year Man

Years ago we had a small pair of eye glasses that we kept in our kitchen so anyone passing through would see them and ask, "What do those glasses mean?" We'd tell them "Oh! Those are 100 year glasses!" "Hundred year glasses, what do you mean?" I'd say, "If they truely were 100 year glasses and you could see that far into the future, where will you be?" How will that effect the way you live today and the priorites you have? So anytime you see a set of reading glasses, regular glasses or sunglasses, pretend they are hundred year glasses. Put them on ,"what do you see? " "What's so important with what you are doing today?" "What's your purpose in life?" "What impact will your life have?"

Have a look, you might be surprised by what you see.


Seth and Sarah said...

Yah! Welcome to blog-world =) Looking forward to reading your posts...


100yearman said...

Thanks for helping me. Love you!